Types of Harvest

Marked Tree Selection, Patch Cuts, Diameter Limit By Species, Overstory Removals Clear Cuts

Marked Tree Selection

Trees to be harvested are marked with blue paint for removal.

Overstory Removal (OSR)

This silvicultural system is used to release abundant regeneration in the understory.

Clear Cut

Often done for the benefit of landowners to regain their views.

Harvest Preparation

Layout and Marking timber

Timber Harvest Layout

Significant property features are flagged in designated colors — their representations known to the logging contractor.

Marking Wood

Unique to our standard of operation, we visibly mark harvestable timber on two sides…at the base and at breast height for the logging operators to clearly see. Thus the tree is visibly seen from any direction which produces a better end product. Sometimes wildlife trees are marked with a “W’ for retention.

Logging Variations and Forest Equipment

Done to your preference and according to your goals and objectives

Forest Equipment: Stroke de-limber rapidly removing the tree limbs on landing

Fully Mechanized Chipping & Tree Length Operations

Forest Equipment: Feller buncher, tracked processor & forwarder parked on landing.

In Woods Processing

Logger manually cutting wood into merchantable lengths on landing

Hand & Skidder Crews

Fully Mechanized Chipping and Tree Length Operations

Forest Equipment

In Woods Processing

Trees are cut from the stump, processed into various product lengths, and then forwarded out to the landing.

Forest Equipment

Hand & Skidder Crews

Trees to cut are marked with blue paint or a general prescription is given to logging operators as to what the landowner wants cut via diameter and species.

Forest Equipment


We pride ourselves in generating the highest value product for the timber harvested.

Why spend the extra time to merchandise timber?

Whether it is slicer, rotary, or specialty veneer, sawlogs, mat logs, pallet logs, pulpwood or biomass chips, it is our goal for the landowner to earn the highest value for every product harvested.

Birdseye Maple

A lot of potential veneer laid out on landing ready to be looked at by log buyer.

Curly Maple

Large Diameter High Quality Sawlog

Large diameter high quality curly maple sawlog